How To Read 3x Faster Through Rapid Serial Visual Presentation?

August 14, 2022

What is The Rapid Serial Visual Presentation method?

Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is a technique for reading and learning. It has been shown to improve reading speed, comprehension and recall.

The main aim of RSVP is to provide students with the ability to read faster and more accurately by converting text into images. The images are arranged in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) format, which makes it easier for the reader's brain to process information from the page.

How does The Rapid Serial Visual Presentation work?

The Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is a technique that can be used to read faster and more efficiently.

The RSVP is made up of two parts:

1) The first part involves dividing the text into words by looking at each word individually. This allows you to process words more quickly, as there is no need to look back at what you have already read. It also can help with comprehension, as you will know what words you need to prioritize as you go through the document.

2) The second part involves seeing all of these words in order, so that they are presented one after another. This allows your brain to use information more effectively and makes it easier for you to retain what you’ve read.

The benefit of The Rapid Serial Visual Presentation method

The key benefit of this technique is that it allows you to read fast by breaking down long passages into smaller chunks of information while still retaining their meaning. This also helps with comprehension, which is an important part of learning anything new or difficult.

Another benefit is that RSSV makes it easier for people with dyslexia or other problems with visual processing skills to understand text because they are able to focus on individual words instead of large blocks of information like many traditional methods do.

How do you practice The Rapid Serial Visual Presentation with Readima?

Beside the Meta Guiding method, Readima also implements the RSVP method for improving your speed reading experience.

You can select the RSVP tab on the right reading bar and press the start button

You can use RSVP when you're working with documents or materials that aren't written for speed reading.

For example, if you're using a textbook with illustrations or diagrams, you can use RSVP to skim them quickly and get an idea of what they're trying to communicate before you go any further.


The key benefit of Rapid Serial Visual Presentation is that it allows you to read fast by breaking down long passages into smaller chunks of information while still retaining their meaning. This is a huge benefit for speed reading, as it prevents you from having to re-read sections of text later on.

The speed reading technique is also effective in helping you remember what you've read. In fact, many people who use this method report that they're able to recall more information than they did before using the technique.